Geographic Regions and Area Codes in Area Code 716

Area code 716 is located in western New York and covers several key cities and communities. The primary cities include Buffalo, Cheektowaga, Tonawanda, and Niagara Falls (source). Additionally, it serves parts of Erie, Niagara, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, and Allegany counties (source). This area code encompasses a diverse range of communities, from urban centers to smaller towns and rural areas (source). The 716 area code is bordered by several other area codes, including:

  • 585 (Rochester, NY)
  • 814 (Erie, PA)
  • 226/519/548 (London, ON)
  • 289/365/905 (Hamilton, ON)

Additionally, a new area code, 624, is being introduced to serve the same region (source).