With GoodCall, not only can you quickly set up a local number from anywhere—from San Francisco to New York — but your number also comes enhanced with an AI agent. Our AI answering service includes AI-powered lead capture, automated appointment booking, and a 24/7 AI phone agent that integrates with Zapier and your CRM, answering common questions around the clock.
A local AI phone number links your AI agent to real-world calls.
📞 Your agent answers calls 24-7 / 365 and is never busy
📈 Understand your callers with detailed analysis
🎙 Capture the detail in every call, they're all recorded
🌐 Forward calls or connect to Google Voice
✋🏻 Places callers on hold when your line is busy
🚫 Say goodbye to spam calls
Use skills to teach your agent how to respond to common caller questions.
🎓 Teach your agent anything with your own custom skills
✅ Off the shelf skill templates ready to go in a few clicks
🚀 Combine skills to create deeper customer engagement
👋🏼 Optimize customer experience with custom greetings
💰 Grow revenue by texting your website (ie: bookings & shop)
With Goodcall's AI answering service plans (which start at only $41 per agent per month billed annually), you get a local area code number included with Goodcall's AI phone agent.
Yes! You can add a new number to your account at anytime.
No. Unlike many other phone system providers and communications platforms, Goodcall never has you locked into a contract. You have payment options for both monthly and annual.
Yes - with Goodcall, you can have numbers in just about any location you operate in.
Yes, Goodcall is specifically designed to scale quickly! Your AI Phone agent can answer unlimited calls at once giving your team the ability to handle the busiest days.
We're currently available in the US. But, check back soon because we plan to make Goodcall available in more countries soon!
Of course! If you need help with number porting, just get in touch.
Imagine you have stores in New York and LA. It wouldn't make sense for calls from these locations to show a Utah area code, right? With GoodCall, whether you need a local or toll-free number, having a custom number not only enhances your business's credibility but also reinforces your brand's presence in your target markets. Plus, it minimizes long-distance costs for local customers calling in, making it easier for them to reach you.