Geographic Regions and Area Codes in Area Code 907

Area Code 907 covers the entire state of Alaska, making it unique as it is the only area code serving this vast region. This area code encompasses major cities such as Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau. Here are some key geographic regions within Area Code 907:

  • Anchorage: The largest city in Alaska, with a population of around 251,000 residents.
  • Fairbanks: Known for its university and military bases, with a population of approximately 32,255 people.
  • Juneau: The state capital, with a population of about 32,000 residents.
  • Kenai Peninsula Borough: Includes cities like Kenai and Soldotna, known for their fishing and tourism industries.
  • Yukon-Koyukuk Borough: A vast, sparsely populated area known for its natural beauty and remote communities.

These regions are all served by the single area code 907, which has been in service since January 1, 1957. There are no overlays, meaning 907 is the sole area code for the entire state.